Turn On the Light

Turn on the Light annual conference brings together professionals, volunteers, and parents for a day of education and networking.

  • Overview
  • Conference Overview

    Our annual Turn on the Light National Conference on the Wellbeing of Children & Families, held since 2004, attracts over 400 industry professionals and child advocates and is respected as the premier conference of the southeast. The full-day symposium offers an impressive array of educational workshops as well as resource booths and a nationally known keynote luncheon speaker.

    The event is recognized for delivering current research findings, educational information, and resources, developing collaborative efforts and creating a productive foundation for successful networking – all to ensure the protection of children.

    As part of our education outreach efforts, we also conduct community education presentations and training workshops year-round for industry professionals and volunteers. We have provided education services to a variety of organizations including the Palm Beach County School District, PBC Guardian ad Litem Program, St. Mary’s Medical Center, and the Mental Health Association.

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  • Investment
  • Investment

    To fully protect children, we must get everyone who interfaces with children and families working together toward the common goal of prevention. This one-day event reaches over 400 professionals who through their professions have an impact on families and children in our community.

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  • Stories of Impact