Gratitude Through Difficult Times

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.
Between the sugar-rush of Halloween and the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season sits beautiful November – a month that hosts a day for giving thanks. We celebrate Thanksgiving with our families in the spirit of gratitude for life, family, abundance, and love.
Gratitude is a state of being – it involves being thankful, and holding an appreciation for the things in your life. Practicing gratitude can improve health and well-being, enhance positive emotions, and foster empathy. And research has established that gratitude can help you through difficult times.
Parents of Preemies and Difficult Times
Parents whose babies were born prematurely know a lot about difficult times. Many feel they have the odds stacked against them, they see that there are good days and there are bad days, and they know every little milestone is a blessing.
November is an important time for these resilient families, not just because of the Thanksgiving holiday. November is also Prematurity Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness of premature birth and to take a moment to show compassion and support for parents who are enduring the difficult journey of premature birth.
Despite the ups and downs, and the fears and uncertainties these parents face as they fight, advocate, and cheer for their fragile babies’ healthy growth and development, they often find gratitude.
TEACUP® Families and Gratitude
Those who have found their way to TEACUP Preemie Program® find professional support and guidance along with a place to share, to understand and be understood by others who have been in their shoes.
We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve this precious community of tiny fighters – and the moms and dads who love them. We asked our TEACUP® parents what they are most grateful for this year, and following is what a few of them told us.
(What are you most grateful for this year? Let us know!)